Learning journal
This is the place for you to read more about my personal thoughts on language learning, cultural differences and my work with so many great human beings over the past 25 years. With many practical suggestions on how to expand your English skills and your personal confidence. It is great 'Sunday Reading'!

Increasing your contact to the English language–in any way–will strengthen and improve your language skills. Here are some great online resources to do just that.
Learn English with TedTalks
TedTalks is a collection of talks about every subject imaginable given by well-known experts and regular people from the street. Give it a try!
Breaking News English
This site offers short current event articles and a treasure trove of language exercises to accompany them.
Active English
Combining your interests with your language-learning is a brilliant way to grow your language skills and–at the same time–develop those interests.
Videos are another way to combine listening, vocabulary, grammar and body language cues all in one. They are a great way to grow your English in all areas. And they can be fun too!

Comparison of Health-Care Germany / USA
This YouTube channel is absolutely FULL of good information about the US using data and the experience of one American family who immigrated to the Black Forest. Use English subtitles on YouTube to help you follow the video. Great practice and great information.